In every kitchen, bedroom, living room, laundry, and bathroom of your home you will find General Power Outlets (GPO’s) that we use every day. We have become so used to using these outlets we forget that every GPO has the potential to cause an electric shock resulting in severe injury, burns or even death. Therefore, maintaining the integrity and overall condition of your electrical outlets is so important to your safety and the safety of those you love.

One of the most common faults we find as Electricians is that a cracked GPO or loose switch can become a real safety hazard.

Most people who notice a small crack in the outlet of a loose switch will not think too much of it, normally thinking “well it still works,” however this is a sign that there is a bigger problem.

What Are These Problems?

Problem #1

Behind the switch has cracked due to screws being screwed too tight. This exposes terminals to either short circuit or create faults with appliances when plugged in.

Problem #2

Broken terminals or switches create a hot spot behind the outlet, melting cabling and plastic creating a fire hazard.

Problem #3

When the terminals crack behind the switch, this will most likely cause electrical arcing. This may commonly be seen with small flashes of light coming form the switch or plug and can cause an electrical shock or a fire.

What to do?

First thing to do is not use this switch or outlet and restrict others from using it.

Second is to call an Electrician and have them come out to replace it as soon as possible.

Third is to check or ask your electricians to check all other switches and outlets as when one has this problem it will not be long before others will have the same faults.

Safety First

We all would find it hard to live without electricity in our homes, however we must not take it for granted and respect it for what it is. Ensuring your home is electrically safe is the most important role for us as electricians.

We are offering a FREE Home Electrical Safety Inspection Report for you, so you can have the piece of mind knowing you and your loved ones are safe.

Call 0410 548 994 NOW and speak to one of our friendly team members to book your FREE HOME Electrical Safety Inspection.