Do You Have Property Management Work We Can Help With?

Are You Tired Of Chasing Up A Sparky Who Doesn’t Understand The Fast-Paced Nature Of Property Management?

This Is A Common Gripe Of So Many Perth Property Managers For One Key Reason!

From electricians taking 4+ days to respond to work orders because they’d “gone fishin'”, to sparky’s moving ahead with remedial work (which they charge onto the client without prior approval), no matter what the situation, you can be sure it leads to the same thing – a strained relationship between yourself and the home owner.

Can you afford to overlook the #1 reason this happens?

Having seen it play out countless times when a frustrated property manager contacts us, we can say with confidence, the #1 reason why this happens is because the property manager failed to ask this one key question.

This one question, if asked, eliminates 99% of the issues all property managers have with electricians and it’s this:

Can you provide me with your Property Management Servicing Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)?

Once asked, you’ll get one of three responses:

  1. Complete bewilderment at what an SOP is.
  2. An understanding of what the question is but an inability to provide it because they don’t have one.
  3. A confident smile and copy of their Property Management SOP document, on request.

Why is a Property Management SOP so important?

Armed with an SOP in hand, you needn’t worry about following up with the electrician in question because they have specified exactly what they will do and when they will do it, in writing.

What are the 7 things which should be included in a Property Management SOP document?

  1. Process for receiving and responding to job requests
  2. Procedure for quoting and reporting on work required
  3. Detailed explanation on what level of reporting you will receive
  4. Example report
  5. Process for managing remedial or repair work (which may include subcontractor management)
  6. Escalation process
  7. Dispute resolution process

At ASTEC Electricians, we’ve seen the difference this simple document can make in providing our Property Management clients with the peace of mind of knowing their job is getting done quick and correct, the first time.

So if you’re looking for peace of mind with completing the electrical maintenance or repair work for your property management clients, simply call Aaron on 0410 548 994 or fill out the below enquiry form to find out more.

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If you need assistance with a home or commercial electrical project, simply fill in the form below and we will contact you, immediately, to help you.